Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Woohoo! Its time to catch up on all of the scenery we have been checking out. Some of it is old news (like the palace we visited). So have fun looking and feel free to ask any questions of the places we have seen.
P.S The last few are pictures of a recent night out with friends we have made in our short visit here : )

Our apartment building.

Down the street from our place is a big mall called Wanda, and a huge stadium that shows different talents every day.

kids at Jonathan's job

This is where Jonathan works

some more pictures of our time at the palace

This is a famous restaurant we went to after we saw the palace.....can't remember the name but the food was awesome!

The building at the end is our home. We went on a hike to Olympic park, which is right next to the Hun He River.

Taking a break, that is the stadium that is right outside our apartment.

Margarita Mondays at Casey's, the only american food restaurant we know of, with Chelsey and Caleb (our mentors/ bosses/ friends)

The huge outdoor market we visited

no, that is not a cucumber its a melon

these are pets I promise 

this poor dog, on the other hand, was not a pet

random cool looking bug 

awesome people

Jacob's Birthday!
This is a picture of alcohol we took a shot of called Snake Baijiu. Yes it is a real thing, and yes we really did a shot of it.

Last shot of the night, it was Jager, ugg

1 comment:

  1. Oh Thanks! I would ask what the T shirt says in the Melon/Cuke photo please.
